So why is this good for me?

For a functional strong pelvic floor

Due to the pressure from the abdominal cavity the pelvic floor gets weak, which can lead to incontinence and prolapses. Low Pressure Fitness tones & relaxes your pelvic floor, lifts it up, and reduces the symptoms of dysfunctions. It prevents & fights incontinence and prolapse symptoms.

To alleviate back pain

Due to the pressure from the abdominal cavity the pelvic floor gets weak, which can lead to incontinence and prolapses. Low Pressure Fitness tones & relaxes your pelvic floor, lifts it up, and reduces the symptoms of dysfunctions. It prevents & fights incontinence and prolapse symptoms.

For a flatter belly

It reduces your waistline by toning the inner abdominal muscle, the ‘corset ab‘, t(transverse abdominis). At any age, any time. After giving birth, or if you just want to look amazing for your holidays.

To improve posture

LPF exercises are designed to keep your body in a perfect posture, which helps you to develop strength, flexibility and balance. Proper posture also reduces stress on your muscles and ligaments, which reduces injury risk. You will develop more body awareness and will be happy to look in the mirror thinking: damn, I look great! And really mean it!

To keep the digestive system health

A well functioning, toned and flexible diaphragm will ensure the efficient work of the oesophagus, stomach and the intestines, preventing heartburn, GERD (reflux), bloating and constipation.

To reduce anxiety and stres

By breathing slowly, deeply and controlled, you send a signal to your brain, that you are calm. And you will immediately feel less stressed. Exhaling with relaxed lips will release tension in the neck, back and jaw, improving your comfort level and making you happier.

More information about the method here. 

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Or about my professors: Alexa Marine & Piti Pinsach.