A class for every body

Beginners Breathing

Your journey starts here

Let’s start with the basics! Learn how to breathe correctly for a healthy pelvic floor and to activate the deep core.

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Low Pressure Fitness group classes

Low Pressure Fitness

In the gym or at home

30 mins for a strong pelvic floor, painfree back and smaller waist. Includes mobility and flexibility part. You can start it at any age or fitness level.

In person or online. 

Low Pressure Fitness +

Go a step further

50 mins training with 30 mins strength part for strong & beautiful muscles, where we learn the correct breathing as well to protect the pelvic floor. Plus 20 minutes Low Pressure Fitness. I recommend to choose this class if you are not a complete beginner.

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Online Video Course

Anytime, Anywhere
The package teaches you Low Pressure Fitness from an absolute starter level: the breathing, the stomach vacuum and the postures. You can start the training at any age or fitness level and enjoy it whenever you have time. For 25 EUROs / month you have access to 20 pieces of 10-18 minutes videos, and every month 2-4 new videos are added. So even the busiest ladies can fit training into their schedule and you will never be bored.

Private Classes

Just for you!

30 mins for a strong pelvic floor, painfree back and smaller waist, with mobility flexibility part, completely tailormade to your needs.

Access to 10 private video classes which you can do on non-training days

Personal consulation on phone or chat