Meet kata

Hi, my name is Kata.

I am a 50 year old woman who has changed her corporate career to her real passion: fitness.
I believe that everyone at every age can find an enjoyable way to be fit and feel amazing in her body.No need to jump & lift heavy weights if you hate it, the world is full of fun opportunities to get in shape.
Let me show them to you.

Do you have questions? Click here to contact me.

Kata MAthe Low Pressure Fitness hypopressive instructor
Love moving 2

Love Moving

All my life I have been active: did gymnastics, weight training, running, callisthenics

Spartan Life

I discovered obstacle racing  a decade ago, immediately got crazy about it, and this love still lasts.

Before starting focusing on Low Pressure Fitness, I used to be a proud  Spartan Ambassador encouraging women to gain confidence and realize that they can conquer any obstacle.

Kata Mathe Low Pressure Fitness hypopressive instructor - spartan
KKata Mathe Low Pressure Fitness hypopressive instructor Prague

Low Pressure Fitness

I found Low Pressure Fitness while recovering from a race injury and got addicted from the first moment.

Now I start every day with an Low Pressure Fitness flow and help ladies of all age to reduce their waistline, to relieve their backpain and to get a functional pelvic floor.